Sustainable energy

Sustainable energy is the provision of energy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable energy sources are most often regarded as including all renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, bio energy, and tidal power. It usually also includes technologies that improve energy efficiency. Conventional fission power is sometimes referred to as sustainable, but this is controversial politically due to concerns about peak uranium, radioactive waste disposal and the risks of disaster due to accident, terrorism, or natural disaster.

Green Energy

Green energy includes natural energetic processes that can be used with less pollution. anaerobic digestion, geothermal, wind, small hydro power, solar, biomass, tidal power and wave power fall into this category. Some definitions may also include power generated from waste incineration.  

Some people, including George Monbiot, James Lovelock and specifically classified nuclear energy as green energy. Others, including Greenpeace disagree with the assertion that the problems related to radioactive waste and the risk of nuclear accidents result in unacceptable risks to the environment and humanity.  

No power source is carried out without interference. All energy sources require energy and cause pollution of manufacturing scale.  

In some countries, transport agreements, agreements with electricity retailers allow consumers to buy green electricity or their benefits or green energy supplier. When energy is purchased from the grid, the power of reaching consumers do not have to be produced from green energy sources. Local power company, electric company or state power pool buys their electricity from electricity producers, which may result from fossil fuels, nuclear or renewable energy sources. In many countries green energy currently provides a very small amount of electricity, generally contributing less than 2 to 5% of the total pool. In some U.S. states, local authorities have formed a regional purchasing pools electricity using the Community Choice Solar Collection and bonds to achieve a 51 percent blend of renewable or higher, as the city of San Francisco. By participating in the program for "green" energy consumption can have an impact on the energy sources used and ultimately may help to promote and expand the use of green energy. They are even making a statement to politicians that they are willing to pay higher price for renewable energy sources. Green power user or force a program to increase the amount of green energy they purchase from the group or direct financing of green energy with green energy supplier. If insufficient resources "green" energy are available, services need to develop new or contract with energy supplier to a third party to provide green energy, causing more to be built. However, there is a way users can check whether to buy electricity is "green" or otherwise. In some countries like Holland, electric companies guarantee to buy an equal amount of "green energy" as it is being used by their customers green power. Dutch government off green energy from pollution taxes, which means that green energy is hardly any more expensive than other forces.  

One new concept for improving our electricity grid is in the microwave beam from Earth-orbiting satellites or the moon directly when and where there is demand. Power would be produced by solar energy captured on the surface of the moon in this system, the beneficiaries will be "broad, transparent tent structures, as will microwave and turning them into electricity. NASA said that in 2000 the technology is worth pursue, but it is still too early to say whether the technology will be economically efficient.World Wildlife Fund and electricity some organizations have created green labeling Eugene Green Energy Standard, under which national certification schemes for green electricity can be accredited to ensure that buying green energy leads to the provision of additional resources, new green energy.


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